01 February 2022 – Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

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Cllr P Fisher (Chair)

Cllr D Bentley (Vice Chairman)

Cllr S Tudor

Cllr C Hurst

Cllr J Dando

Cllr V O’Dunne

Cllr D Borasinski

Cllr E Philpott

Also In attendance:

Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)


7:15-7:30 Public Open Forum – No members of the Public were in attendance.

170       Apologies – Cllr’s Jones, Adams-Elsmore and Hemming sent their apologies, it was resolved to accept these.

171       Declarations of Interest – Cllr’s Dando and Bentley declared an interest in item 118

172       Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation

173       Minutes of the Parish Council 11 January 2022 – It was resolved to accept these as a true record.

174       Matters arising from the meeting of 11 January 2022 and not otherwise on the agenda

95        Parish Council Strategy update – Item deferred

115       Lighting of a beacon to commemorate the Jubilee update

At the meeting of Stone Rural Parish Council on Thursday 13 January, an initial assessment of costs and logistics was discussed. Cllr Jones informed the meeting the Parish Council are supportive of the initiative and would partner Stone Rural in this venture. Initial costings are around £1018, Barlaston would need to commit to sharing the expenditure.  It was resolved to accept 50% of the costs.

The National Trust had not responded to date with regards to the location of the beacon.  Alternative venues are under consideration should this prove negative.

118       Lakewood Drive update – It was noted the meeting scheduled for January at Wedgwood Cricket Club was cancelled.  Cllr Parry advised they had located microfiche which held historical records for the area, however they are having difficulties in getting the data off.  Another meeting is scheduled for 23 February 2022 at Wedgwood Cricket Club commencing at 18:30 hrs.

131       Planning application 21/33687/FUL described as proposed housing development between Brookhouse Drive and Old Road

There has been no update with regards to a Planning Meeting to determine the outcome of this planning application. It was believed this would be added to the Borough’s agenda for 9 February, however this was not listed. There is still a call in recorded against this application, however this only questions the number of houses to be allocated and not the fact this would be an unlawful planning application. If the call in is withdrawn, the application could be dealt with by delegated decision.

The latest notification on the planning portal is the recommendation for an archaeological investigation to be included within the Planning Application; the site cannot be developed until the results have been submitted, analysed, published and disseminated and an archive deposition has been secured. There would also be a £35k section 106 fee payable with an annual fee of £5k.

134       Twinning with Fiskars, Finland – The item was deferred to the next agenda.

137       Emergency gate access on the Downs – The item was deferred to the next agenda.

159       Brindsley Avenue update – Cllr Tudor advised there was no positive outcome with regards to the release of data, however there are now appointments available at Barlaston and the implementation of new services. It was also noted patients were being contacted with their results which was a positive step.

160       Free Trees from Woodland Creation The minimum order would be 150 trees and it is still questionable that we can plant this number within the areas available.  Cllr Hurst asked if the Clerk could identify the type of trees available.

The Clerk advised there is a grant of £700 available from Veolia for environmental projects, it was resolved for the Clerk to apply.

As part of the Queen’s Green Canopy scheme to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee, free trees are available from the Woodland Trust for Community Projects.

Three trees are due to be felled following the recent tree survey, we also require a tree for planting as part of the Platinum Jubilee commemorations.  Cllr Hurst advised Boulton’s are selling small saplings @ £7 each or 8ft Oak Tree saplings @ £125 each, it was resolved to purchase 4 No. £125 trees to replace the 3 to be felled and one for the Jubilee. These would need a stake and protective cover.  It was noted trees recently planted at Fiskars have shale around their trunk which not only looked aesthetically pleasing, but it would also deter pests.

The Council resolved to plant two trees in future for every single tree which has to be felled on Parish Council land.

 161       Wedgwood Memorial College Arboretum update – The Clerk contacted Royal Pilgrim Communications requesting a meeting between the Parish Council and the developers, to date no response has been received. It has been noted that people are accessing the buildings.

163       Rural School Transport Scheme – Staffordshire County Council are still not supportive of reinstating the free seat for School Children which is disappointing. The Clerk to continue to monitor this situation.

175       Committees updates:

  • Environmental Committee – Cllr Hurst advised he has planted a further 2000 crocus around the village as part of the Polio eradication awareness programme through the Stone Rotary.

The panels masking the bins on the Downs Car Park had been damaged, the cost of replacement panels has gone from £45 to around £75.  It was noted the panels encouraged fly tipping; it was resolved to remove the panels rather than replacing them.  

  • Entertainment Committee – Platinum Jubilee Event
    • The Clerk submitted the latest report detailing the costings and draft itinerary. Cllr Tudor advised the cost of the Acoustic artist would be £120.
    • It was resolved to contact Dave Plant with regards to the provision of food for the event.
    • The Clerk had contacted the minibus Company with regards to undertaking a ‘round robin’, the availability and costs are still awaited.
    • The County Council had not come back with regards to the road closure, however Mr Gordon Taylor, the Barlaston Crossing Patrol Officer has kindly offered to undertake the road safety function for the weekend, this is highly appreciated.
    • Looking at the costs, the budget required to deliver the event would be in the region of £6k, it was resolved to accept this cost with an additional contingency of £1k. The majority of the costs would be incurred in the 2022/23 budget.
    • It was noted a choir visited the nursing homes around Barlaston at the last Jubilee, this to be investigated for this Jubilee. It was also suggested the bell ringers at Stone may wish to participate.
  • Finance Committee – date to be confirmed
  • HR Committee – (deferred)

176       Highways update:

  • Speed Watch – No figures were available.
  • Speeding on Station Road / Old Road / Meaford Road / Longton Road – The Police & Crime Commissioner advised there was not sufficient evidence for the installation of Speed Cameras in Barlaston and could not accept a contribution towards the costs. They would work with the Speed Watch team and Police to see how they could support us in reducing speeds within the village. The Clerk to liaise with Mr Norman, coordinator of Speed Watch for Barlaston.
  • 20’s Plenty for Staffordshire – The Clerk has registered the Parish Council’s support of this initiative with the 20’s Plenty initiative in Staffordshire and with Cllr Ian Parry. Cllr Parry was supportive of this initiative.

177       To note financial matters:

            (a) bank reconciliation reports – it was resolved to accept these.

            (b) to receive schedule of payments report January 2022 – It was resolved to accept these.

Expenditure NET VAT Cheque
Hosting Systems – Voice over IP 10.00 2.00 DD
Zoom Video Conferencing 11.99 2.40 DD
BT – Broadband 26.66 5.33 DD
K St Leger, Salary & Expenses 919.99 0.00 BACS
Toplis Associates Ltd – Internal audit BVH – Inv 1,208 149.06 29.81 002789
Staffordshire County Pension Fund 310.76 0.00 002790
Buxus Green – Grounds Maintenance Inv 2022001 995.83 0.00 002791
Community Group – Grant – Silver Surfer Course Provision 500.00 0.00 002792
Douglas MacMillan – Grant – provision of palliative care 500.00 0.00 002793
Barlaston Bowling & Tennis Club – Grant for kitchen refurbishment 500.00 0.00 002794
St John’s Church – Grant – Contribution towards Xmas publication 400.00 0.00 002795
Barlaston Community Group – Grant – Book of Thanks Grant 40.00 0.00 002796

178       Wassail update – over 100 people attended the event at the Upper House and outside the Duke of York. The audience were encouraged to take part as actors which was well received.  The Viking shop was taken from the Upper House to outside the Duke of York.  The Parish Council wished to thank Mr Cockin for arranging the event which was well received by residents and visitors and was now a popular event in the calendar.

179       Royal Themed scarecrow event for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – The Clerk has invited the Village to participate in a Royal Themed Scarecrow trail around Barlaston, this will be sponsored by Rock Star Spirits. The prizes to be awarded at the Queen’s Platinum Event on the Green on 4th June. Scarecrows to be on show by 23 May 2022.

Cllr Adams-Ellsmore will liaise with the School to see if they will participate in class groups.

180       Community led shop on Barlaston Park – Cllr Bentley advised there was a lot of local interest, however nothing could be determined until the building works on the Park commenced.

181       Monthly Coffee Morning – It is with great sadness that we report the closure of the Monthly Coffee Morning, the Parish Council would like to thank all the volunteers for taking part in particular the current volunteers Ann, Janet, Val, Barbara, Pa Maisie, Katie, Gill and Chris, some of whom have been involved for 21 years. A Community Service of Celebration will be scheduled at St John’s Church. The Clerk to arrange certificates of thanks.

182       Risk Assessment updates

  • Tree survey – the Clerk distributed the report. A number of trees are deemed dangerous and need to be felled, others need to have branches dealt with.  N&J Tree Services will submit a quotation to undertake the works.  Given the risk to the public it was resolved to accept the costs, the Council to suspend Standing Orders on the grounds they are a County Council preferred supplier..
  • Warning sign for Crossing Patrol – it was noted no news had been forthcoming from Highways, Clerk to chase.
  • Tree trunk Orchard Place – The is scheduled to be removed by Blue Iris and relocated to the Wild Green, this will be undertaken free of charge. The Parish Council wished to thank Blue Iris accordingly.
  • Potholes & damaged bollards, Orchard Place – the damage was reported to S&RH and was in the process of being addressed.
  • Pavement on the green adjacent to the War Memorial – There is a trip hazard, Clerk to investigate who undertook the works as the contractors failed to reinstate the tarmac following cable works. The Clerk to contact local suppliers for quotations.

183       To determine grant application(s) – None received

184       Planning issue – Planning Application 22/35495/NHPD at 18 Park Drive, there were no objections to this application.

185       Items for inclusion in next month’s agenda

  • Signs on Downs Bank
  • Littering on the Downs Car park by workmen from Stoke on Trent City Council
  • Meadow Road – Posts have been replaced by SARH, old post not removed and causing a hazard.
  • Cllr Dando issued her apologies for the March meeting.

186       Date of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 1 March 2022
