11 June 2024 Barlaston Parish Council Meeting

posted in: Agendas 2024 | 0

 All members of Barlaston Parish Council are hereby summoned to the Parish Council Meeting at Barlaston Methodist Church. Park Drive, Barlaston ST12 9DP on 11 June 2024.  Meeting to commence at 7:15 pm. An agenda for the meeting is set out below.


5 June 2024


7:15 – 7:30    Public Open Forum (by prior appointment). Please contact the Clerk if you wish to participate in the Public element of the meeting. If no requests are received, the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7:15 pm

45. Declarations of Interest

46. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011

47. To approve minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 14 May 2024

49. Matters arising from the meeting of 14 May 2024 and not otherwise on the agenda

50. Updates covered in the Clerk’s Report – no updates received

51. Updates and determine actions regarding the Parish Council’s Strategy (on hold).

52. To determine Chairman role for the following committees:

    • Finance Committee
    • Planning & Development
    • Sustainability
    • Sole Trustee (Shall be the Chairman of the Parish Council)
    • Representative for the Village Hall Committee
    • HR Committee
    • Community Group
    • Aesthetics


53. To determine training courses to enable Cllrs to undertake their roles

54. To determine training courses for the Clerk

55. To note financial matters:

            (a) To approve bank reconciliation reports

            (b) To receive schedule of payments report May 2024


Expenditure – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
V O’Dunne – Expenses inc. postage / Dropbox annual fee – May 2024 99.42 0.00 99.42 BACS
K St Leger – Salary / Expenses April 2024 652.85 0.00 652.85 BACS
Buxus Green – May Grass Cutting 1050.00 0.00 1050.00 SO
Elan City – Battery for SID Device SO-UK04214 191.90 31.98 159.92 BACS
BT – Inv– Broadband Inv M056 BL 41.61 6.93 34.68 DD
Tesco Mobile – Inv 134209366688 15.10 0.00 15.10 DD
Pozitive Energy Gas inv 261818202456691484 198.91 9.47 189.44 DD
Pozitive Energy Electricity Inv 26181620245677241 117.17 5.58 111.59 DD
Income – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
HMRC VAT return 3629.23 0.00 3629.23 BACS


56. To determine a date for the Annual General Meeting of the Sole Trustee to the Village Hall and determine the management of the Village Hall in line with the Charity Commission guidelines

57. To receive update on the lease of Meadow Road Lease and determine actions

58. To receive update on the Cricket Club Lease and determine actions

59. To determine actions following damage to the bus shelter on Old Road

60. To receive an update on approved planning application at Barlaston Park

61. To receive update on the installation of a dog waste bin at the entrance to Barlaston Park

62. To receive update on the installation of a notice board at the Upper House Car Park

63. To receive update on Parish Council vacancy and determine Cllr representation for wards

64. To receive update on the Planning application validation guidance letter issued to Stafford Borough Council

65. To receive update on Blue Bell Wood at Meaford

66. To note resignation of Rose Kingsbury, Voluntary Car Scheme Coordinator

67. To note request for ceramic poppies

68. To note issues regarding water on Station Road

69. To note offer of PR works on behalf of the Parish Council by member of the public

70. To determine the implementation of Design Codes in conjunction with the Neighbourhood Plan

71. To note the damage to the noticeboard at Orchard Place

72. To note request for additional SID device for Tittensor Road

73. To determine advertising of Crossing Patrol Officer position

74. To determine actions regarding the installation of a carving on County Council land

    • Licence to plant @ approx £200
    • Insurance liability
    • Maintenance costs

To receive Risk Assessment updates and determine actions:

      • Biennial tree survey recommended works / costings
      • Tree in the grounds of the Village Hall car park omitted from the Survey
      • To mitigate risk regarding PC data
      • To address the damaged ground to the entrance to the play fort

75. To receive weekly play reports / recommendations from appointed Cllrs

76. To note correspondence from residents

77. To receive updates on and determine grant application(s)

78. To note Planning decisions

79.To receive items for inclusion in next agenda

80. Date of next meeting(s) – 9 July 2024
