11 June 2024 – Minutes of Barlaston Parish Council

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Cllr S Tudor (Chairman), Cllr C Hurst, Cllr J Mirceta, Cllr E Philpott, Cllr P Fisher, Cllr S Oakden

Also In attendance:

Parish Clerk: Ms Vivien O’Dunne

1 member of the public was in attendance

7:15 – 7:30    Public Open

Apologies: Cllr Jones sent his apologies; it was resolved to accept these. Cllr Borasinski informed the PC that he may be late but failed to arrive.

  1. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest
  2. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation
  3. Annual Parish Meeting 14 May 2024 – The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting were submitted for approval. A Cllr raised concerns these were not a true reflection of the meeting as it failed to document conversations which took place.  The Clerk advised that only resolutions need to be recorded unless an agreement to record a matter verbatim is made at the time, in this instance no such request was received.  The minutes were therefore accepted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.

Cllrs were reminded by the Chair that all correspondence and requests for items to be added to the agenda must come through the Clerk; no Cllr is to act alone as the Parish Council acts as an elected body. It was also reiterated that Cllrs must not raise expectations with members of the public on items not determined through an item on the agenda.  Standing Orders and Financial Regulations must be adhered to.

  1. Matters arising from the meeting of 14 May 2024 and not otherwise on the agenda

  2. Updates covered in the Clerk’s Report – no updates received
  3. Updates and determine actions regarding the Parish Council’s Strategy (on hold).

  4. Chairman roles for the following committees were determined as follows:

Due to a member of the Public submitting an application to join the Parish Council, it was resolved to discuss item 62 as part of the of the forward planning. It was resolved to accept the member of the public to join the Parish Council, however the formal procedure of signing the acceptance of office will be undertaken at the July meeting where he can formally join the meeting:

  • Finance Committee – item deferred
  • Planning & Development – Cllr Fisher submitted a request to Chair the Planning Committee and was seconded by Cllr Hurst, however the Parish Council deferred the item as it was believed Cllr Borasinski was also interested in undertaking this role.
  • Sustainability – Cllr Hurst was appointed
  • Sole Trustee (Shall be the Chairman of the Parish Council)
  • Representative for the Village Hall Committee. Cllr Jones and Borasinski will be the representatives, the VHC to choose their Chairman
  • HR Committee. Cllr Dando was appointed
  • Community (Patients) Group. Cllr Dando was appointed
  • Cllr Philpott was appointed
  1. Training Courses – There was an issue with Cllrs accessing the virtual training courses. New dates to be obtained.  It was also noted that if Cllrs are on the Planning Committee they must have planning training.  It was resolved the next date for Planning will be held on 18 July 2024 a.m. The Clerk to confirm the details with Urban Vision.
  2. Training courses for the Clerk – Request was submitted to undertake ILCA training, followed by CiLCA, it was resolved to accept this recommendation.
  3. To note financial matters:

            (a) Bank reconciliation reportsthese were accepted as a true record. A Cllr requested a breakdown of hours undertaken by the assistant Clerk, this will be added to the next agenda.

            (b) Schedule of payments report May 2024 – these were accepted as a true record.


Expenditure – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
V O’Dunne – Expenses inc. postage / Dropbox annual fee – May 2024 99.42 0.00 99.42 BACS
K St Leger – Salary / Expenses April 2024 652.85 0.00 652.85 BACS
Buxus Green – May Grass Cutting 1050.00 0.00 1050.00 SO
Elan City – Battery for SID Device SO-UK04214 191.90 31.98 159.92 BACS
BT – Inv– Broadband Inv M056 BL 41.61 6.93 34.68 DD
Tesco Mobile – Inv 134209366688 15.10 0.00 15.10 DD
Pozitive Energy Gas inv 261818202456691484 198.91 9.47 189.44 DD
Pozitive Energy Electricity Inv 26181620245677241 117.17 5.58 111.59 DD
Income – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
HMRC VAT return 3629.23 0.00 3629.23 BACS


  1. Annual General Meeting of the Sole Trustee to the Village Hall
    • Date for the AGM was set for the 9 July 2024 at 6pm prior to the Planning Meeting.
    • Due to difficulties being experienced with the Insurers of the Village Hall, it was determined that we need to establish who owns the building, it was agreed to liaise with Wooliscrofts to undertake the investigative works.
    • If the Hall is owned by the Parish Council, we will require Heads of Terms to enable the Sole Trustee to act as Landlord and the VHC to act as tenant.
    • With regards to paying for works, if the Sole Trustee own the building, the Parish Council cannot fund works, as the monies would need to be granted; financial regs limits grants to £1,000.
    • It is noted that Land Registry has no record of ownership, once this has been ascertained this needs to be updated.
  2. Lease of Meadow Road Lease and determine actions – The Borough Council confirm if the terms are to be extended then this would need to go back to Cabinet, it was resolved to retain the terms set in the lease, however Wooliscrofts to be appointed to check the terms before these were formally approved by the Parish Council.
  3. Cricket Club Lease update – To date we have not had the lease from Myatt’s. When we are in receipt this will be issued to Wooliscroft’s for review.
  4. Bus shelter on Old Road – The cost to repair the gutter and stop end would be £80, it was resolved to accept this recommendation, however it was also noted that a number of tiles were broken, the Clerk to request these works to be undertaken with the guttering.
  5. Planning application at Barlaston Park – It is noted that works have started on the garages, they have addressed the issue of safety by installing Harris line fencing.
  6. Installation of a dog waste bin at the entrance to Barlaston Park – The Clerk advised the installation of a dedicated dog waste bin would be cost prohibitive due to a specialist company having to empty these. A request has been submitted to the Borough for a general bin to be installed.
  7. Installation of a notice board at the Upper House Car Park – The Clerk has informed the Upper House that they can install a single board, there is no requirement for a dedicated Parish board. The Upper House to contact the Parish when it arrives to ensure it is located in the correct position.
  8. Parish Council vacancy – Item discussed under 51.
  9. Planning application validation guidance letter issued to Stafford Borough Council update – The Clerk to chase the Borough again, it is noted they are now in breach of FOI guidelines.
  10. Blue Bell Wood at Meaford update – Cllr Jones to update, item to be deferred.
  11. Resignation of Rose Kingsbury, Voluntary Car Scheme Coordinator – Cllr Tudor attended the event to thank Rose for all the work she has undertaken on behalf of the village.
  12. Request for ceramic poppies – Although the Parish Council were supporting of the initiative, legally Parish Funds cannot be utilised for individuals.
  13. Water on Station Road – Highways have been informed.
  14. Offer of PR works on behalf of the Parish Council by member of the public – Noted, the Parish Council would like to thank him for his kind offer.
  15. Implementation of Design Codes in conjunction with the Neighbourhood Plan – It is noted the Housing Needs Assessment document has also been received. Training to be undertaken on how we apply the policies to planning applications.  Thursday 18 July has been confirmed.
  16. Damage to the noticeboard at Orchard Place – Cllr Hurst has been issued with a new twist lock to replace the damaged one.
  17. Request for additional SID device for Tittensor Road – It was noted that the Parish do not have sufficient funds available at the moment. It was also noted that there would need to be an agreement with the Speed Watch team to undertake the monitoring and battery replacement if this was to proceed.
  18. Crossing Patrol Officer position – It is noted the position could be a job share. The Clerk will approach the County Council for a revised Job Description.
  19. Request to install a carving on County Council land

It is noted the land is not the responsibility of the Parish Council. Although the County Council have given approval for the carving, they have requested a formal application be submitted by the Parish Council, this comes at a cost:

  • Licence to plant @ approx £200
  • Insurance liability
  • Maintenance costs

 The recommendation is for the carving to be situated on the wild green where all the residents have access to it.  However, the installation must meet RoSPA safety standards.

  1. Risk Assessment updates and determine actions:
    • Biennial tree survey recommended works / costings – N&J requested a new site visit to ascertain which areas are to be considered
    • Tree in the grounds of the Village Hall car park omitted from the Survey – N&J will be undertaking a site visit and submitting a quotation accordingly
    • To mitigate risk regarding PC data – The Parish Council have signed up for Cloud Storage, a separate off site storage device is awaited
    • To address the damaged ground to the entrance to the play fort – a cost of £240 was approved, if required a contingency of £20 was allocated
  2. Weekly play reports / recommendations from appointed Cllrs – Cllr Mirceta noted nettles / weeds growing through the wire netting fencing (risk deemed low). Item to be monitored. Clerk to inform Buxus Green.

Cllr Hurst noted the bridge on the wild green needs attention (risk deemed low), the vertical rope needs to be tightened (risk deemed low). Weeds need to be cut back under the Xylophone. Repair to entrance to the Play Fort is in hand.

  1. To note correspondence from residents – None received
  2. To receive updates on and determine grant application(s) – none received
  3. To note Planning decisions:

Planning Application Reference 24/39118/POTH at High View 39 Holding Cocknage Road Rough Close described as proposed development described as prior notification – upwards extension (first floor). There were no objections to the planning application.

Planning Application Reference 24/39175/FUL at The Upper House The Green Barlaston described as proposed glazed veranda to existing external dining area to southwest corner of the hotel. Concerns were raised due to the glazed veranda extending 3ft beyond the existing veranda area which in turn is out of keeping with the building, the recommendation would be to leave the original aspect undisturbed.

Artwork for signage on the Wild Green for the Upper House – there were no objections to this application

  1. To receive items for inclusion in next agenda
    • Producing a Heron
    • Production of a report to determine the hours undertaken by the Asst Clerk
    • To determine costs for additional remembrance figures
    • To determine actions regarding the dead cherry tree on Meaford Road
    • To determine the relocation of the waste bin by the bridge on Station Road
    • To determine the path clearance on Old Road
  2. Date of next meeting(s) – 9 July 2024
