October 2021 – Chairman’s Blog

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Wedgwood Memorial College Activity has been seen at the Wedgwood Memorial College site and both the Clerk and myself have been liaising with the appropriate parties involved.  It has been reported by our Borough Councillor Gareth Jones to the Conservation … Continued

August 2021 – Chairman’s Blog

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This last couple of months has been some interesting things happening in Barlaston: July saw the arrival of Travellers to the village, fortunately with the application of the Common Law 1869 Act and the support of the Local Police, this … Continued

May 2021 – Chairman’s Blog

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  New Bench The unveiling of the bench in memory of Stan Philips on the village green was a memorable occasion. A number of people, all socially distanced, gathered on the Green for the event and Stan’s daughters, Tracey and Rachel, … Continued

April 2021 – Chairman’s Blog

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Covid The latest information about the level of Covid cases locally is very encouraging.  In the Borough the level of cases is reported as 30 per 100,000 which is a huge improvement on the levels recently experienced.  However we are … Continued

February 2021 – Chairman’s Blog

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Covid – 19 Pop-up Testing hub As the days gradually get longer and the coverage of covid vaccinations embraces an ever greater number of residents there is some reason to be more hopeful that better times are on the horizon.  … Continued