August 2022 – Chairman’s Blog

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Chairman’s Blog

Hello everyone, I hope you’re enjoying the current spate of good weather and that I find you all in good spirits.

Planning Application 21/33687/FUL – Brookhouse Drive / Old Road update

Breaking news – after many months of procrastination on the part of Stafford Borough Planning Department, following representations from the Parish Council the decision to reject the application for the erection of 42 houses has at last been made. I would like to thank everyone on the Council and in the village who endeavoured to counter this threat to our village environment.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Event

The feedback received following the Jubilee event was positive, the number of visitors far exceeded expectation no doubt due to the good weather and the variety of activities provided. We were fortunate to obtain a National Lottery Community Grant which contributed towards these activities being provided free of charge.

I would like to thank all the volunteers who gave up their time and contributed to the success of the event and especially a big thank you to Becky Wilshaw for organising the market.

I would also apologise to all those inconvenienced (no pun intended) by the inappropriately positioned washroom facilities and the lack of communication.

Jubilee Bowl

It is with great sadness that we were informed the Crossing Patrol Officer Mr Gordon Taylor has resigned to spend more time with his family and will not be returning for the September term. Although Gordon has not been in the Parish long, the Parish Council have unanimously agreed to present Gordon with the Jubilee Bowl for his outstanding kindness and contribution to the safety of the children during his time in Barlaston. A date to celebrate this achievement will be scheduled.

Wild Play Area – Barlaston Village Green

A big thank you is due to Joe and Heather Poultney for carrying out a most comprehensive survey of the village children and parents, whilst attending the Jubilee Event to identify features to be installed in the wild play area. As a result of this the following items will be appearing in September: – a carved wooden spider; a dragonfly bench; carved mushrooms; a stepping log frame and a woodland Xylophone. To make the area family friendly we will also be installing 3 picnic benches, one will be wheelchair / pushchair friendly.

Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) – Barlaston Park

Liaising with parents on the Park, it became apparent there was nowhere to sit and watch their children whilst they were using the play area.  To this end 2 picnic benches have been installed adjacent to the MUGA, one with pushchair / wheelchair access.  We would be grateful if residents can keep an eye on these to ensure they don’t succumb to vandalism following a recent spate of anti-social behaviour in the area.

We are in the process of obtaining quotations for the re-painting of the MUGA to rejuvenate the area.

Civic Amenity Visits

By popular demand, the amenity vehicle has been scheduled for 27 August 2022 and 22 October 2022.  Dates for 2023 will follow.

The vehicle will be positioned on Ivyhouse Drive, Barlaston Park between the hours of 10am and 12 noon.

The visit is for excess general waste only that cannot be disposed of using the existing options in place. These items will not be recycled and is not for business / commercial waste.

First Responders

Following the closure of Barlaston First Responder’s division, we can confirm the vehicle and much needed lifesaving and training equipment has been donated to the Staffordshire DocBike paramedic charity.

Working together with emergency services across the UK, their aim is to have a DocBike associated with every air ambulance charity around the country. The vehicle will be used to promote the service and undertake duties where the environment is not suitable for a DocBike. They are a new charity, but the enthusiasm of local bikers, colleagues in the Emergency Services and other agencies throughout the UK means that they are expanding rapidly.

They have expressed their thanks to the First Responders and to the Parish Council for their continued support and donations.  It has meant much needed funds can now be channelled into undertaking lifesaving activities.

Mobile Fish & Chip Van

Following the recent Jubilee event, the Mobile Fish & Chip van was warmly received and enquiries from residents requesting this to become a more permanent venture in the village were submitted to the supplier.  They have agreed to include Barlaston in their schedule on a Wednesday evening, split between Barlaston Park and hopefully Orchard Place. The Clerk is in negotiation with Homes Plus (formerly Stafford & Rural Homes) to see if this location is feasible. Further details will be published once confirmed.

Highways Issues

Following a recent spate of serious accidents / incidents at the junction of Orchard Place / Tittensor Road / Station Road and Meaford Road, and the continued excessive speeding through the Village, the Parish Council has been liaising with Cllr Ian Parry to see what can be done to address these issues.  He has agreed to attend the Parish Council meeting which has been scheduled for 5:50pm at the Methodist Church to ensure he can attend. This meeting is open to the public.

Breaking news of a less palatable nature, I have been told by Karen our Clerk of the wanton vandalism and juvenile behaviour that is taking place around Barlaston Park.  Mindless persons have destroyed the Jubilee Oak Tree, attempted to break in the garages and on a more sinister note they have scattered the surface of the MUGA with broken glass.

The implications of these actions do not bear thinking about. The damage to younger children who use the facility could have been life threatening but for the actions of responsible residents and the Clerk who have cleared up this mess.

I would like to appeal to the residents of the Park to be vigilant and report to the Authorities any such mindless activity to prevent what might be a catastrophe.

I realise that this sounds dramatic but when I was younger my cousin almost lost the use of her hand which was badly cut following an incident with a broken bottle.

On a more cheerful note, I hope that the children of the village take the opportunity to enjoy the play area in their summer holiday.

Enjoy the rest of the summer.

Kind regards

Paul Fisher

Chairman Barlaston Parish Council